Get on Board with Isabelle Hudon and Anne Richards




(to download the presentation, click here)

Chief Investment Officer

Aberdeen Asset Management

Anne is the Chief Investment Officer and head of the EMEA region for Aberdeen Asset Management, where she is also a main board director. She began her career as a research fellow at CERN, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, in Geneva, moving into the investment world in 1992. READ MORE

Why Diverse Teams Make Better Decisions

Backroom 2 Boardroomfounded by Anne Richards, aim to support executive business women networks with the purpose of promoting greater diversity at senior level in corporate organizations and ultimately, at board level. Anne will discuss the value of diversity, women and investing, and will also share her view on markets, asset allocation, and strategies for 2015.


Executive Chair, Quebec

Senior Vice-President, Client Solutions

Sun Life Financial Canada

Isabelle Hudon is Executive Chair, Quebec, for Sun Life Financial. Her mandate is to provide strategic input and support to the President, Sun Life Financial, Quebec, and to continue representing the company in the community. READ MORE

L’effet A, c’est cinq femmes d’affaires qui relèvent chacune un défi pendant 100 jours pour que des milliers d’autres femmes intègrent l’ambition dans leur vie.

Le défi de Isabelle Hudon : faire rayonner 20 femmes de la relève du monde des affaires avec la collaboration de présidents de grandes entreprises québécoises. Ces femmes profiteront d’une notoriété publique nouvelle ainsi que de l’expertise et des conseils des chefs d’entreprise pendant une année.



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Language of the presentations: bilingual