Mock Exam

You can choose from either Wiley or Schweser mock exam to train for CFA Institute’s December 1st exam.


The Wiley and Schweser mock exams are complete six-hour exams.

The answer booklet is handed out to participants at the end of the day. Each candidate will correct their own exam.


OPTION 1: If you are a CFA Montreal Candidate member a practice exam is included in the benefits of your membership. Please use the promo code that you received when your membership was confirmed in order to register to this mock exam using one of the above links.


OPTION 2: Become a CFA Montreal Candidate Member and, for the same price, get all the members’ privileges including one free mock exam and access to many services and tools to help you in your study – CA$100

Discover all the Candidate Membership HERE. Make sure to be a Candidate member before you register for your mock exam!

  1. Follow the instructions on our website to become a member by paying for your membership and sending your completed membership form.
  2. Once your membership is confirmed, we will send you a code in order to register to either Wiley or Schweser mock exam

If you do not wish to become a Candidate Member, choose either Wiley or Schweser mock exam by registering above – US$75


OPTION 3 Register for Wiley or Schweser mock exam – US$75

Please note that this option does not give you access to all the services and tools offered by our partners or any other privileges included in the Candidate Membership.

Bouton-registration-Schweser.png          Bouton-registration-Wiley.png 

Space is limited. Register early!



Official Partner
